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SSRC Expertise Database
SSRC members constitute the largest collection of structural stability experts in the world. If you are looking to identify and reach out to a member of the Council whose expertise and professional and research activities may align with your needs and interests, please see the list below for brief member bio-sketches and contact information.
Full Database
Database by Name
Clayton, Patricia (Task Group 06)
Fahnestock, Larry (SSRC Past-Chair)
Frankl, Bernard (Task Group 04)
Goncalves, Rodrigo (Task Group 02)
Linzell, Daniel (SSRC Chair)
Quadrato, Craig (SSRC Vice-Chair)
Rosson, Barry (Task Group 03)
Subramainian, Lakshmi (Task Group 04)
Weigand, Jonathan (Task Group 06)
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